Wake up! And Give a Big Welcome to 2018.

Say final good bye to 2017 and say hello to 2018.

Party is over guys! All the fireworks, firecrackers, cokes, beers, chips, crackers, foods and all the holiday happiness are over.

Like it or not, let’s say hello and welcome to 2018.

Welcome 2018 Jilaxzone.com say hello to new year 2018
Say Hello to a brand new Year 2018

And since today is the first day of the new year 2018, I guess most of us, me included, are super-lazy to start our day today – forget about tomorrow, since I bet most of us are even lazy to just woke up from bed and start whatever activity today. I woke up today 10am, while normally I wake up 5.30am.

Life has to keep moving on

Yes that is right. Life has to keep moving on. And while it’s fine to be lazy on first day of the year but it’s good if you can spare some time and make use of the time since today is indeed the best time in the new year – plus it’s a holiday anyway for most of us – for you, for me, for us to reflect on what has happened on 2017, what went right and good and what went wrong and bad. And to set targets for 2018 as well as to revise our incomplete 2017 targets and to carry them over to the new year 2018 to complete whatever left unfinished.

If you feel and want a change in your life, then start make a difference today. Start with yourself. Get out from your bed, take 5-15 mins to do what I told you above, see back mistakes and achievements on 2017 and sketch things you want to achieve and correct past mistakes on 2018.

I, myself, draft this post the moment I woke up and will eventually publish it on my blog so I can be reminded and held myself accountable for all the targets I set for myself by the end of this year.

Whatever mistakes and failures you did on 2017, do reflect, find out a better way to do them so you won’t repeat the same mistakes and getting the same failures you did on 2017.

Whatever success and good things you achieved, do also reflect on them, how can you tweak them to be much better so yielding into a more better results.

2017 targets, failures and achievements

At the beginning of year 2017 last year, I have set all these targets to achieve. Well, here they are. While not all I managed to fully accomplished but at least I’m getting some good progress.

2017 end of year target review jilaxzone.com breakdown target
2017 End of Year Target Review

1. As an individual: to go green to myself by staying healthy, eat and drink healthier food and beverages, do more exercise.

Progress as of end of 2017: Great. I drink Kopi O Kosong or Siew Dai, I’m staying healthy (and get paid for it) by doing Uber delivery at weekend when my wife and I don’t really have something to do during weekend. I join Healthy 365 challenge from the government.

2. As an employee and manager: to automate as many work tasks and to enhance the work framework to be more efficient and sustainable.

Progress as of 2017: Mediocre but considered passed. I created templates (requirement document, technical spec document, test cases, and many more) to help myself and my team. Nowadays, starting a new project or a new test phase is a lot easier, thanks to the templates.

3. As a future entrepreneur: to start getting passive income from my self hosted blog.

Progress as of end 2017: I haven’t got any passive income from my blog, however I do keep posting my own original contents (like this article) as regularly as possible, record whatever I have experienced in my life which hopefully could help and solve other people issues and in the end hoping to get more readers. To check the contents, simply go to jilaxzone.com.

4. As an investor: to start investing in something new and different to diversify my income stream.

Progress as of end of 2017: Good but can be much better. I have started investing in government bonds, Bitcoin and friends – Details here, I have also started investing in property by buying my first home – which I would love to cover on the future articles. Then I continue investing on my own blog – keep writing as many as possible -original and good ones – my own experiences on it.

5. As a modern non-nomadic person: Move to my own house.

Progress as of end of 2017: Good. My wife and I have managed to secured our future house, however turned out there are quite many things and steps we need to settle so we didn’t manage to move in to our new house by end of 2017, but definitely on 2018 we are going to move in to our new house 💪.

6. As a husband: to spend more time with my wife and get a kid.

Progress as of end of 2017: Mediocre. No kids yet but things are going great. More communication time with wife, less fighting with her. Laptop and gadgets are still my number one enemy as I still spend more time with gadgets rather than spend time with my wife.

7. As a human being: to be more humble, trying to be stress-free, less anger.

Progress as of end of 2017: Consider good. I said hello to strangers, short talks with them and said thank you for whoever lend me their helps no matter how small that is. But still need improvements, less anger and less cocky to face whoever that is – even to face angry cocky person.

Those are all my 2017 targets I set at the beginning of year 2017 and how they are all progress by the end of 2017. Now let’s go to my 2018 targets.

2018 targets and resolutions

My rule of thumb is to set not too many targets which ends up nothing gets achieved by the end of the year but instead to focus setting only 7 most important targets each year and to revisit each quarters to see how they are going: good or not good.

Welcome 2018 Jilaxzone.com Happy New year 2018
Wishing you and family a very Happy New Year 2018!

1. As individual: in 2017 I managed to lower my weight to 70KGs – great thanks to my wife, managed to always drink coffee with less sugar. In 2018 I pledge to do whatever I’m doing good in 2017 and to keep staying healthy, maintain good weigh – now I’m 70KGs, get life insurance for me and my wife.

2. As an employee and a manager: get certified on latest Technology, document the framework, create more helpful templates for peers to start working, be more caring to team members – making sure none of them are left behind in terms of skill development

3. As a future entrepreneur: to get more and steady passive income from jilaxzone.com and its spin off, to make my blog to be more users friendly and search engine friendly, to be financially free at the age of 35.

4. As an investor: in 2017 I managed to invest in government bonds, Bitcoin and my first property. For 2018 I’m looking to better diversify and be financially aware and savvy on financial terms and products to see how they can financially help improve my wife and my life.

5. As a modern non-nomadic person: Finalize home purchase and move in to the new house

6. As a husband: less gadgets time, more communication and time with wife, get a kid.

7. As a human being: be more social, talk and willing to know more people. Be more on giving and forgiving.

What about YOU?

Those are all my targets and resolutions for the new year 2018. What about you? Have you had something in mind what you want to be, what you want to achieve in 2018? Give your comments down below on comment section. Cheers!

Hi, thanks for reading my article. I do spend my time and efforts writing this article based on my own experiences for my own journal as well as to share the knowledge to whoever read it so hopefully they can get the benefit out of it

If you find and feel this article is good and helping you in anyway, help me to spread the words by sharing this article to your family, friends, acquaintances so all this goodness, my spent time and efforts do not just stop at you, they will also get the same goodness and benefit from it.

Thank you!

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