Will PlayStation Classic supports Dual Shock Analog Controller? Find out inside!
Sony is reviving its 24-years-old console: The original PlayStation, or some people known it as PlayStation 1 or PSOne or PSX and Sony called the newborn baby as PlayStation Classic.
PlayStation Classic comes with 2-standard controllers!
Being 45% smaller original PlayStation, Sony retains the form factor of original PlayStation for PlayStation Classic. And unlike to original console, the new PlayStation Classic comes with 2-standard controllers, 20 games pre-loaded (see the full list for US, UK, EU, JP here) and has HDMI port and uses USB ports as the controller ports.
See the introduction video here.
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What? 2-standard controllers? Where are the Dual Shock Analog Controllers?
One of the most popular question people is asking, is this: will PlayStation Classic support Dual Shock Analog Controller? Will Sony sell Dual Shock Analog Controller to be used with PlayStation Classic? Can I use my existing PS1 or PS2 Dual Shock Analog Controller on PlayStation Classic?

Short answer is no. At least not at the moment. As of now, these are the facts that I know:
- Sony doesn’t have the intention to sell Dual Shock Analog Controller. Nowhere in Sony’s website selling the original PlayStation Dual Shock Analog Controller.
- PlayStation Classic controller ports are USB ports. They are not the same like original PlayStation 1 controller port.
Based on that facts above, likely the PlayStation Classic may have hardware limitation that prevents it to use the Dual Shock Analog Controller properly.
Will the PlayStation Controller to PC USB port adapter works for PlayStation Classic?
Another soon-to-be popular question, will the PlayStation Classic controllers’ USB port works with PlayStation to USB adapter? Which will enable us to use original PlayStation 1 or PlayStation 2 Dual Shock Controller and convert it to USB.
This is what I’m talking about (link in Amazon).
Click here if you can see the Amazon link.
I’ve been using this adapter to play games on my PC (PC games or emulators) since PlayStation controller is one of the best controller ever made.
Shortly we’ll know if PlayStation port to USB port adapter works for PlayStation Classic. If it’s indeed working, then good news, the Dual Shock Analog Controller can be used on PlayStation Classic, though again the vibration function may not be working at all.
Till then, cheers!
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