Obike is Shutting Down Its Operation in Singapore – What to do?
Yes, Obike is officially shutting down its operation in Singapore as said on its official Facebook page on Monday 25th June 2018.
Here is what oBike is saying on its official Facebook page

Reason why oBike is Ceasing its operation here
LTA as the transportation regulator in Singapore passed a new rule on 5th May 2018 ago, which telling bike sharing operator, like Obike, has to obtain license from LTA to continue operating in Singapore. On top of license, bike sharing operators are required to share data between other bike sharing providers with the intention to track down users (YOU, me, whoever is using the bike sharing services) so that any users caught parking his bike indiscriminately for three times will get a one-year ban from using bike sharing services. Bike sharing provider has to comply to this new rule by 7th July 2018 or 2 months after LTA announced it.

And for that reason, new rule/law from LTA, Obike either couldn’t or doesn’t want to comply, and choose to exit from Singapore.
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What about my oBike deposit?
Ok fine, oBike is quitting, while we do still have quite plenty of choices, Ofo, Mobike and many others – see here for the options and pricing details – but what about our oBike deposit, $49?

At this point of time, there’s no way to refund the deposit. The refund button on the app is simply just gone – I tried it myself with oBike app updated with the latest update.
What you can do now – if you have deposit with oBike – is to keep monitoring its Facebook page here:
Some people has started using #RefundMYObikeDeposit on Facebook and other social media to express their concerns on not getting their money back.
Anyway, you should not be worry about your deposit since Singapore LTA should take care of it – LTA won’t likely to pass oBike to run away with our deposit money.
I shall update here once there’s more clarity on how refund can be processed.
Update on 3rd July 2018:
oBike on its official Facebook page is telling that they are working closely with relevant parties to refund users deposits. However for those who want to try other method to get their deposit back, try to do this –> check here.

As of now, tell your friends and friends of your friends, DO NOT subscribe and/or renew oBike passes – at least until oBike is firmed with its decision to leave Singapore market and our deposit is refunded.
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