Optical Disc Drive – Who’s still using it? | Technology Archives
Anybody is still actively using BD-ROM, DVD-ROM or CD-ROM on their computer?
Thanks to Apple for embracing digital delivery back in 2010 by removing optical disc drive from its line of Macbook, now the world even doesn’t care about CD, DVD or Blu-ray anymore.
Even for movies, nowadays all you need to do is to just stream from Netflix or download from iTunes.
When Apple introduced this optical-disc-drive-less computer (read: Macbook) back in 2010, it seemed weird to have a computer without an optical disc drive – especially a laptop which normally hard-to-upgrade and hard-to-add additional components unlike a desktop – but fast forward to present time, while likely new desktop may still come with optical disc drive (Eg: Blu-Ray drive) but it seems weird to carry a laptop with an optical disc drive attached to it. How times have changed so much!
Back in the day, I used to store pretty much everything I value and consider important to me on an optical disc – that includes documents, photos (Google Photo, Dropbox, Apple iCloud weren’t born that time), and even movies and musics (in forms of MP3).
Is optical disc drive dead by now?
While in 2020 they are not entirely dead yet but now the usage of optical disc drive is consider niche.
With the advent of internet and mobile networks where speed is only getting faster, people is shifting to use digital media rather than physical. Not only cheaper to distribute (apart from server maintenance fee and broadband cost, it’s almost $0 to distribute), it can be accessed anywhere in the world that has internet even on the ISS (International Space Station) – read here on internet speed on ISS.

Now pretty much everything is downloadable from the internet. Even the latest gaming console which typically comes with an optical disc drive now no more. Microsoft Xbox One has drive-less console (read here) so in order to play the games, gamers just need to download them from Xbox games store – place on the internet where Microsoft is selling their Xbox games digitally.
Do you still make use of them?
Now, does anyone reading this article is still using optical disc drive on your computer? If yes, what are you using it for?
Do give your comments down below on the comment section.
For me myself, my 2011 Macbook Pro still has an optical disc drive, but as of today (and even since I bought the Macbook back then) I never really use the optical disc drive while for my Windows laptops, since 3 years back they never had an optical disc drive.
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