NS12 Canberra MRT Station – The Missing Station on the Singapore Red North South Line is now being discovered.
It’s going to be ready by 2019.
In case you never notice, there are a few stations numbering missing from the Singapore MRT map. To name a few is NS6, NS12 and NE2. NS represents North South Line aka Red line, while NS represents North East Line aka purple line. Now since you know about them – the missing stations, can you spot what other station numbers are missing from the Singapore MRT map?

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Uncovering The Missing Station: NS12 Canberra Station
Well for sure it’s not missing. And it’s not something to discover as well, like a treasure. It was all part of Singapore Government when they planned MRT stations back then. There’s a long non-stop stretch between Yishun MRT and Sembawang MRT.
Station Name: Canberra
Station Code: NS12
Located at: North South Line (Red Line), between Yishun and Sembawang stations.

Yishun is a crowded area, however that’s not the case for its neighboring estates like Canberra and Sembawang. While Sembawang has MRT station and it has been built long time back, but it was only opened in 1996 or so. Main reason was because it was considered a new estate back then and there were not many people living on the area. Even today, I spotted there are still quite a lot of HDBs just being built on surrounding Sembawang MRT.
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Same goes to area surrounding Canberra stations – Canberra Link, Canberra Walk, Canberra Way, there are only a few existing HDBs around the area and most of them today are under constructions. That’s the reason why only recently Canberra station is built.
When Canberra station is ready by 2019, it will be one of stations on the Red North South Line that looks sophisticated – especially when comparing with Yishun or Sembawang stations.
NS12 Canberra – The next hype?

Few years back, Punggol was the center of the hype. Today I think it’s Tengah. Do you think Canberra will be the next hype? Since I see Canberra has what it needs to be the next hype. It still has forested area, it has river nearby – Government can build the next waterway like it did for Punggol.
Let me know your comment down below on the comment section. Thanks!
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Beside NS12 is Canberra can make one for the NS6 in Sungei kadut st2 because alot of people take bus 925 and sometimes the bus 925 may not come on Sunday and Public holiday, would you like to make a bus interchange at the big green field so that the workers can take the bus home and it would be easier for everyone to be happy. Than the big outlet which no one use it can make one for the shuttle bus outlet for everyone to drop outside the MRT station the bus stop.
Well, that sounds like a good idea. I’ve been to Sungei Kadut area during weekeend to see the bazaar there. Transport-wise, yes, it’s quite long journey from the nearby MRT.
I bet Singapore has plan for it already. It’s just a matter when to really execute it – which hopefully soon.
CC18 and DT4 are missing too
Hi Xiaoping,
You are right! Wondering what will it be in the future…
NE2 is missing… whats its name?
On LTA official website, NE2 even doesn’t have a name.
But I do personally think it will be Kampung Bahru once the area is renewed/rebuilt. This time, if you come around the area, a lot of old HDB being left unoccupied.
Canberra is now open
Hi Transport wonderer,
Yes you are right. The article was created back in 2018 🙂 How time flies so fast.