The Ultimate Q&A for UberEats Driver – All Your Questions and Queries Answered!

I created this to help those interested in joining UberEats Driver, be it motorcyclist, cyclist or walker, to know what are the most common questions one has in mind when they have interest in joining the crew. These Q&A are those questions and queries you can’t find on Uber or UberEats official website.
Ultimate Q&A for UberEats Driver: Walker, Cyclist, Motorcyclist and those interested
This Q&A is also applicable for those who have joined and become their crew – in case you have something you are not sure and would like to have some clarity on it – I might be able to help.
Read first below Q&A and in case you can’t find what you are looking for, give your questions, queries or thoughts below on comment section, I will try my best to answer them.
Disclaimer: I’m not Uber employee, I’m just one of their courier, served as walker. I do it mainly for getting me healthy while generating money at the same time. Anything you read here is right to my knowledge and at the time of this article is written. However I would not held any responsibility should the information below is no longer deemed correct or changed. You could, however, let me know if such information is no longer correct or applicable, I will then correct it so that everyone who reads they read the latest and correct one.

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The Ultimate Q&A for UberEats Walker, Bicycle, Motorcycle You May not Find on UberEats Official Website

Q: How do I register?
A: Check this link in for the detail step by step. In short, you need to register online and come to UberEats office to complete some administration.
Q: Can I skip registration to UberEats office?
A: Until today unfortunately you can’t. You will still need to present yourself to UberEats office even after registering yourself online.
Q: Do you need to pay to join?
A: That Depends. Here’s the breakdown.
Walker: you don’t need to pay anything
Cyclist: $150
Motorcyclist: $150
Don’t worry, $150 seems a big amount, however it is refundable. With $150, you’ll get:
A big thermal foodie bag
A Raincoat
A Phone case and holder
An UberEats T-shirt
Q: I’m online for the first time. What should I take note?
A: Make sure your phone is loud and ringing. Do not put it in mute/silent mode. Make sure you also have enough data and balance if you are on prepaid. Because you need to online and sometimes have to make a call to either customer or UberEats supports in case you need their help. For prepaid subscriber, do check this trick.
Q: How big data is used for UberEats?
A: One day is about 100MB assuming you are online for 8 hours. So 30 days is more or less 3GBs.
Q: Can you choose which order to take?
A: No. They will pop-up to your phone whenever you are online. You have 20 seconds to give response. If you miss the 20 seconds, then you miss the order.
Q: Can you reject after picking up?
A: Yes.
Q: What’s the implications of rejecting an order?
A: First of all, you won’t get the delivery fee. In case you got it, a few hours/days later, it will be subtracted from your account
Your cancellation point goes up which translates to less priority for Uber to give your their next order and customer.
However, if nobody’s really on the road at that point of time, you will still get their next order.
Q: Is there time limit for an order/delivery?
A: There’s virtually no time limit. However, customer also is not blind and deaf. They know, for example, from Dhouby Ghaut to Orchard is “that” far. If you take 1 hour from Dhouby Ghaut to Orchard, high chance you’ll get scolded when reached customer house, especially if the food turned cold already.
Q: What happen if I reject? Will it decrease my earnings?
A: Whatever earnings you got with you will stay with you. There’s no penalty on earning when you reject an order. However like what I did mention above, your cancellation rate will go up.
Q: Will you be able to see customer address?
A: Yes after you pickup the food. Before picking up the food, you can only see the restaurant name, restaurant address and the customer name.
Q: How to get order?
A: First make sure you are online. Whenever there is order coming, they will pop-up on your phone screen.
Q: How to stop getting order?
A: In case you are overwhelmed with orders, check this link to stop getting order temporarily.
Q: Do you need to wear uniforms?
A: No.
Q: Can you switch from walker to bike or to motorcycle or vice versa?
A: At this moment, the only way to switch is to come to UberEats HQ and ask them to change for you.
Q: How many delivery you need to do a day or a week? Any minimum?
A: There is no minimum quota. The basic rules are these:
The more you do delivery = more earning
Less delivery = less earning
No delivery = no earning
Q: Where’s the most order-crowded areas?
A: You bet. On weekdays: It’s CBD. On weekends: varies, but mostly places with many condos such as Orchard. Given that, doesn’t mean other areas are empty/no orders.
Q: I’m tired, hungry, thirsty, or whatever and want to take a break. Can I do that?
A: Yes of course. There’s two way to do it.
Completely go offline or stop getting new request.
To completely go offline, you have to make sure you are not doing delivery, all your deliveries should have been cleared first, otherwise UberEats customer service will give you a call.
To stop getting new request, you can do only before you finish the delivery. Tap “Stop getting new request”. Once you finish your last delivery and prompted whether want to go offline or continue online, leave it there. Once you are back from your break, press continue online.
Q: What’s the difference between completely Go Offline or stop getting new request?
A: The difference is in the total hours spent online. By keeping the app in between go offline or continue online, your total hours spent online is keep increasing.
Last time during incentives, I can collect more hours while having a break, but nowadays with Boost system, it doesn’t really matter whether you are completely go offline or leave the app waiting between go offline or continue online.
Q: I have online for one hour plus but still not getting any order popping up on my app?
A: Try to switch off then back on the app. If after sometime you are still get nothing, move to other areas, it could be either there are too many couriers nearby or there are really nobody’s ordering food from UberEats. Last but not least, be patient!
Q: Should I kill the app after I finish my UberEats job and call it a day?
A: Yes. If not, high chances it will still running in background, eating your data and battery.
Q: What do I need to consider?
A: Singapore is damn hot, even on the night. Consider to bring these 7 items while doing UberEats delivery. Earning money is important, however your health is and should always number one.
Q: Why I always get order from different location from where I am sitting/waiting?
A: Few possible issue: GPS needs WiFi for better location
No courier nearby that area and you are the closest available courier.

Last but not least…

If you can’t find what you are looking for here, do drop your question, queries, thoughts on comment section below. I will try my best to answer and provide explanation. Cheers!


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