Delete Apple Stock Apps on iOS 10 and How to Restore Them

With the release of Apple latest iOS – the iOS 10, Apple now has introduced a way to make more room for your iPhone (or iPad or iPod Touch) storages: delete Apple stock apps.
How many times this year have you accessed and/or used Compass? Or have you ever even access Tips app that comes with iOS (starting from iOS 9)?

I’m betting many of you are also having list of apps (Apple stock apps specifically) that appear on your screen automatically when you bought that iPhone or Apple devices but you even never open them.

Now in iOS 10 there’s a way to delete them.
With iOS 10 now you can delete Apple Built-in Apps

Delete Apple Stock Apps

Here’s how to delete Apple Stock Apps – basically the same thing done to delete normal 3rd party apps, in case you don’t know or new to this, here’s how:
  1. Go to your home screen – the one showing all of your apps.
  2. Touch and hold the app icon that you want the app to be deleted (eg: Compass app).
  3. If you touch and hold properly, the app icon will start to jiggle, press the ‘x’ button on top left corner of the app icon to delete it.

You are all set. Repeat the steps for any of Apple Stock Apps that you are not using or never using.

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Apple Stock Apps List That You Can Delete

Even though now you can delete Apple Stock Apps, not all of them can be deleted. Here’s the list of Apple Stock Apps that can be deleted:

  1. Calendar – if you are using other Calendar app, then delete this
  2. Calculator
  3. Compass – I never use this. Are you?
  4. Contacts – You can access contacts from Phone app, so you can delete this
  5. FaceTime – You can still make and receive FaceTime call via Phone app
  6. Find Friends – You don’t want to be tracked by your friends, then delete this
  7. Home – Home Automation, delete if you just have conventional home
  8. iBooks – if you never read any eBook or iBook then delete
  9. iTunes Store – if you never buy any songs or films or videos, this app is no use, delete!
  10. Mail – if you are using alternative app, then you can delete this
  11. Maps (Apple Maps) – if you stick to Google Maps, then delete this
  12. Music – if you are using Spotify, you may consider delete this
  13. News – if you are not into news or using Flipboard instead, then delete this
  14. Notes – if you never take notes on your iPhone, then delete
  15. Podcasts
  16. Reminder
  17. Stocks – if you are just casual user like me, didn’t own any stocks, delete this
  18. Tips – you are already an iOS expert, you don’t need this
  19. Videos
  20. Voice Memos – if you never record any audio, then delete
  21. Watch – if you don’t own an Apple Watch, you can delete this
  22. Weather – if you don’t care about the weather or have alternative apps, then delete
Did I miss something from the list?
Up to 22 Apple stocks apps that you can delete in case you are not using them.

Hey, I need that Apple Stock App(s) Back…

For whatever reasons you want the deleted apps to come back, here’s how to restore them:

  1. Open App Store, then search for the deleted Apple Stock App(s).
  2. Click on the Cloud download icon to start re-installing the deleted app(s).
  3. You are done.
Now you have the Apple Stock app(s) back on your home screen.


What do you think?
Do you have Apple Stock app(s) you are not using and you want to delete?
I do! Compass and Apple Maps are my top 2 lists.


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