Poorman’s Surface Duo: Same dual-screen mobile productivity, priced at tiny fraction of Microsoft Surface Duo [+Poll]

DIY Microsoft Surface Duo review

Microsoft Surface Duo. Image courtesy of

Microsoft has just released Surface Duo – Microsoft’s answer for mobile productivity. The flagship is priced at US$1,399. If you haven’t seen Microsoft Surface Duo, check it out here: Original Microsoft Surface Duo.

While it has great features, but given the huge price tag given to the device, simply the device is not for everyone – at least not for me.

So if you – like me – don’t have US$1,399 or not willing to spend on it, don’t fret. I have the answer for you.

Meet Poorman’s Surface Duo.

Have a closer look at the device on the video below. Priced at only tiny fraction of the original Microsoft Surface Duo, this Poorman’s Surface Duo is even can do a lot more better than the Microsoft original.

Here are the flagship features:

Using the Poorman’s Surface Duo, I can get the best of both worlds: I can use Android and iOS at the same time, I can download any Chinese & US apps and other countries apps. I can get Fortnite and PUBG installed. I can have both Google and Baidu, Twitter and Weibo to run. Possibility is really endless – it’s as good as your creativity.

The Poorman’s Surface Duo price is as expensive as price of a duck tape, considering you already have at least 2 smartphones with you and a scissors.

What can be better than this? Nothing!

What are you waiting for? Build yours today!

Who’s buying Microsoft Surface Duo or who’s making the Poorman’s Surface Duo? [Join the super short Poll]

Do you think you’ll buy one? or are you going to create your own Poorman’s Surface Duo? Join the super short poll here – are you buying Microsoft Surface Duo?

In case you can’t see the poll above, use this link to join the poll: Microsoft Surface Duo: Buy or not buy?

Once joined, you can also see the results from others to know whether they are buying or not, by clicking on “See previous responses”.

For me at this moment, given the huge price tag and buggy software, I skip Microsoft Surface Duo. Anyway, I have my Poorman’s Surface Duo now with even better features.

Do you have anything you want me to cover on my next article? Write them down on the comment section down below.

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