7 Signs We Are Addicted to Internet and Can’t Live a Single Day Without it

In the wake of recent DDoS attack which causing most part of US and Europe to have Internet blackout, we (you and I) both can see how addicted we are to the internet.
If you were affected by it, you must have that ‘worried’ kind of feeling and questions like these: “why I can’t check my Facebook?”, “why I couldn’t watch the latest funny video on YouTube?”, or “which route shall I take to reach there, because Google Maps stops responding?”. And your day felt like hell and super uncomfortable.
Unable to open website even though connected to WiFi and Cellular

Regardless you were affected or not by the internet blackout, below are the signs you can’t live a single day without the internet.

Here are the 7 signs:

1. You are reading this article, instead of paper newspaper

The fact that you are now reading this article proves that you read articles on the internet. To know that you are addicted to it or not, just assume going forward you would be unable to see and read this kind of articles, because no internet connection or internet blackout. How long can you survive?

2. You always check Facebook, Twitter or other Social Media throughout the day

Other than reading news and articles, you get updates from friends and the world through Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms. Even to know whether or not there’s a traffic jam or train service disruption on your way to office, you check it via social media.

3. TV is no longer the main source of entertainment, instead YouTube is the main source

Who needs cable TV subscriptions? I bet each and every day, the number of people subscribing is getting lesser and lesser. You can find and watch any kinds of videos: funny, stupid, cool, awesome on YouTube. Even now some of the content producers, start to publish their contents such as Korean drama on YouTube.

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4. Always play online game be it on mobile or console or PC

Be it Clash of Clan/Clash Royale on iOS or Android or GTA 5 on console and PC, playing together, competing with other players across the world is more fun rather than playing alone and offline.
Apple AppStore Offline

5. Google is your first entry when looking for something

Just now heard or saw about new term or new places or something you don’t know at all. Google must be your first source to look at it, find the definition, find the address or anything related to it.

6. You always find direction to literally anywhere using Google Map

Either Google Map or your locale map services, you always use them to find the best route and the best way to reach there.

7. You make phone call via Skype/WhatsApp

99% chances you are using a smartphone, and while your smartphone has the real phone capability, most of the time, you try to make a Skype/WhatsApp call (or BBM call or etc).

The Verdict

Like it or not, we have to admit that our lives depend on the internet, from something simple such as checking friends status, reading news, watch or listen to any entertainments, to something that is considered critical/have impact to our lives such as get the router to move from one place to another, know the weather status, know the traffic status.
So can you live a single day without internet and didn’t get worry about anything relate to it?

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